This is a bit of encouragement for those who want to believe in God but who really believe that to do so would be indulging in wishful thinking. That it would be giving way to a desire to believe in 'fairies in the sky' and all that, instead of being a scientific, rational, 21st century, intelligent person.
I originally posted this as a comment.
All in the name of freedom!
The Contradiction of Randomness:
If we think of time/space and all the events and matter in it as being without direction or design, ie, it all happened by chance, then there are two problems.
The first is that if it has happened that any order that exists, such as life, occurred spontaneously in randomness, then one is actually accepting that it is not order but simply another random set of events that have occurred by chance, and because we live in this fleeting breath of time, we perceive the apparent sequence of events as order. When, in fact, they are part of the pure randomness of eternity.
However. Then the second problem is encountered. Pure chance, randomness as we perceive it, tends to disperse, to dissipation.
A drop of ink in a glass of water tends to dissipate throughout the water. Never has it been known for ink dispersed in a glass of water to randomly come together as a drop of ink.
Pure randomness tends to evenness as all its parts, all of it, merges with every other part and becomes one unified existence.
In fact, pure randomness would lead to absolute nothingness as everything blends with everything else to become an even stillness in which all potential has discharged.
All that we see, experience, know touch and feel, including our perception of those happenings, is based on difference, potential, separation. All structure, whether matter, energy or events, is based on difference such as electrons and protons. Negative and positive. And all difference implies order because without order, if everything was purely random, there would be complete evenness, which would in fact be nothing.
Everything would have submerged into everything else. In fact that is not really correct because it would not have occurred in the first place.
Random events tend to dispersion. And dispersion tends to stasis. Total silent nothing.